Thursday, 16 October 2014

The killing of Mary Jane

Chapter 1

My name is Jeremy Wolf and I have just been shot. Never in my life I would thought that this is the end of my brief years in this lifetime. I always imagine I would died of old age surrounded by my family and friends but that's the thing about this world, everything is unpredictable. Have you ever wondered where you are right now is because of the choices you made. Is it the right choice or the other way around? Will I have a different future if only I'd followed my dreams instead of following the thing the world made me follow? will I be normal like every other person in this world if I made the same choices as they?. Well I'd never imagined that my life would end like this. Lying flat on the pavement of my apartment, bleeding all over the concrete floor as the sky flashed with blue and red lights coming from the police and ambulance. I could't feel my legs, nor my arms. I felt cold as I was pressing my wound on the left side of my abdomen, the blood flowed non-stop gushing the red river of death and as I'm taking my last breath, all I could think about is her face and her smile and I whispered with trembling lips "I'm sorry Jane".  My life flashed before my eyes as I was closing it for the last time.

  "Detective Jeremy! where have you been all day long? I was looking for you!" said captain Marvin.

"I'm sorry sir, I was a bit busy with the case I'm working on. I've gotten a new lead".

  "you still onto that case? just drop it Jeremy, the case is done deal, we already caught the guy, He'll be on trail soon. That filthy bastard!, thinking he could get away with murder!" Said captain Marvin while slamming his hand onto his desk.

"I know there's something wrong here, things just does't seem right, how could he killed if he's...."

  "Just shut up Jeremy, I told you the case is a done deal, I don't want to hear about it anymore!".

"But sir..."

  "No buts, I want you to get your ass out of this case and I don't want to hear anything about it anymore. How about you take the day off Jeremy, you look like shit."

I stood there silently for a minute reeking of caffeine and thought to myself "have taken a real bath nor a good sleep, maybe I should take a break".

"Yes sir, I'll be going now" while scratching my head and so I thought that I should get a good sleep and start back fresh on the case the next morning.

  "Before you go Jeremy, remember what I said, drop. the. case. I don't want to listen to it anymore".

I knew Captain Marvin since I was a patrol officer, I cant disobey him, he's like a big brother to me, always looking out for me and he's the one that made me into what I am today.He's always appear charismatic. Aside from his moustache and greying hair with the tough guy look, he's actually a very friendly guy. Although sometimes it's hard to talk with him, he is a bit hard headed and always win any argument regardless. Wonder how'd his wife feel about that.

Later I took a taxi from the police station to my apartment.

  "Where to boss?." said the taxi driver.

"Send me to street number...".

  "Oh look who it's the law. So to street 420 I assume?"

"Yes, how'd you know?"

  "Well everybody know where the hound is living in this god forsaken city. You live in the smallest apartment in this city".

I was never fond of the nickname "hound".

 "Got the day off detective? no more sniffing around in this fuckin city anymore? I swear this city is getting worse every minute, I cant even afford to pay rent this month working as a god damn taxi driver, no wonder the crime rate is so fuckin high. I might have to get my hands dirty to live here!"

"Shut up billy, I'm not in the mood, just drive me to my apartment",

  "Okay, whatever you say Mr.Hound". Billy said sarcastically.

Billy wasn't always this rude. When I first knew him he was really a nice guy. Maybe the city made him into the typical asshole.

"That will be ten dollar detective".

As I was taking out my wallet from my back pocket.

"I'm sorry I was rude with you back then detective, I'm a bit under the pressure here detective, with my wife and my new born kid, you know.."

  "It's fine Billy, I understand, here's twenty, go get yourself some hotdog"

"Thanks detective, you know you're not as bad as everyone said". While reaching for the money i could see his face, he does look like he was having a few problems.

I got out of the taxi and took out my cigarette "Fuck, no more gas huh..I'll just use the kitchen then". So I went into the building. It's been three years since I first move in this old rundown apartment, haven't change a bit. I entered the building and there he was, the security guard sleeping on his desk. "Still dosing off huh?, well i'd do the same if I were you too buddy". I went up the ladder to my apartment at the fourth floor. At the end of the ladder steps I saw something in front of my apartment door. It looked like a ball covered with a jacket. So I walked slowly and cautiously towards the door to my apartment. I thought to myself "It could't be a bomb, it does't look like a bomb, fuck what if it's a bomb". I plucked up my courage and decided to remove the jacket and there I stood shocked, I could't believe my eyes. My whole body was trembling as I looked at the thing. "this could not be happening, this is not true." my eyes started to swell and tears started flowing through my cheek and there it was laying on the floor in a puddle of blood..the head of Captain Marvin...

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